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Assemble This: the Hemnes 8 Drawer Dresser

The Hemnes 8 drawer dresser is one of the few fully painted pine dressers from IKEA. It’s also one of IKEA’s most complicated to assemble, and one of the items I’ve gotten the most calls for assembly for. The instructions are 48 pages long, there’s three separate bags of hardware, and it ships in three large boxes. The finished product is so worth it though! If you’re having trouble following along with the instructions there’s definitely ways to make this project easier. So let’s get started!

Assembly Instructions (click here)

The HEMNES dresser is spacious, with a white on wood paint job that’s excellent quality for the price


  • Material: Pine

  • Finished Size: 63w x 19.5d x 37.75 h

  • Weight: 133 lb, 60.3 kg

  • Parts: Over 100

  • Difficult: The most difficult dresser IKEA has to assemble. 7/10

  • Possible to Do Alone: Yes, but easier with two

  • Assembly Time: 2-3 hours

  • Good for DIY: With Patience!


Assembly Tips:

  • Identify the drawer sections from p39 and put them aside until you’re finished. You will also need to keep them with bag three. I like to assemble these first, but it’s up to you.

  • Use a moving blanket when assembling because the painted surfact can easily scratch.

  • Pay special attention to how you attach the legs to the side walls (page 2). It’s easy to install the wrong set of legs by either doubling the same front/back legs on the same side or attaching them upside down . Each side should have two different leg imprints on it, and the holes for the camlocks on the side walls should be at the top of the dresser.

  • Also pay close attention to assembling the middle joiners (page 12). Look for comparitive length and where the predrilled holes are for the hardware. You may need to redo this step until it makes sense

  • This dresser is really heavy when it’s all put together, so try to get everything near where it’s going, or have help to move it when you’re finished.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any issues in the comments.